Humankind has followed landmarks for millenniums cutting trails, laying roads and founding physical routes between sustenance and rest since the species emerged. Now the trails are cerebral streaming bits and routing tables unseen to the eye with steps taken keystrokes at time. You still can walk in circles and yes find yourself lost unable to get back to that buried treasured or secret food stash as the brain becomes more dependent on place memory and landmarks loosing its heightened use of smell. Now the way back is the right linguistic combination of usernames, passwords and secret questions. The internet traveler and user must be a priest or magician reciting the right incantation to be transported to the desired page and then to enter his or her temple of social nudity and public expression the doors listen for only the correct combination.
I have traveled the jungles and found my page of print while the morning sun makes me squint. After several attempts at reciting the right access prayer to the wrong access god and then finally the right access god, I ask myself how did I duplicate, complicate and make accessing this blog so difficult?
Was I trying to hide something from myself? Is it dangerous to me to express myself? Is it away of avoiding committing my dialogue to peering eyes seen and unseen? Or in truth is it a millennial old problem of not setting the cairns in the right spot or having others move them and what you think you know, you don't know and memory and meaning tease thee. I was lost and now confounded for in this cerebral realm of hidden codes masquerading as text the weeds still grow over the path, nature still reclaims the roads but now they are in the folds of the mind.
As a designer of networks, I confirm once again it is not the technology that makes up the earth that is important if it supports life but is the interface "user" friendly?