Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Intelligent Utility--poetically speaking

By Reese 9/1/2010

It was a warm wiggling day for power surging waves

rippling down miles of transmission line sun glistening

in the remote rural sky where seldom a truck passed by.

Two hundred miles or more from generation to the substation floor

stepping down and then out again on feeder lines to your door.

Reactively capacitance and inductance wrangled with each other

as resistance changed a little in the heat eating up real power in feet.

It was a cosine of complication of a line’s impedance crossing the nation

a power factor less than unity and reactive lines took a polar phase

as voltage raised and line capacity dropped with transformer heat flaring

in raising degrees the system would soon be brought to its knees.

Quickly the bit stream flying in a fiber optic dream transmitted the disease

conveying the message from end to end, “more balancing reactance please!

ELI needs to be put on ICE or the grid will pay a handsome price.”

Capacitors banks switched in on command a Faraday array to save the day!

Reactive switching, high voltage hissing but the impedance was changing

As load and source found a more amicable conjugate match!

Slowly it rose from 70% to where it was meant to be more near unity

and the community never witnessed or noticed the heroic act

taken care of automatically that kept their power supply intact.

Another day of smart design simply working in normalcy’s harsh reality

aided through talkative nerves communicating reactive curves

sending analog status streams and controlling a power stream

through motive bits that control and protect the line automatically

from a dynamic MW power load of every house and commercial abode

where the magic serves the multitude from three lines of solitude.

1 comment:

  1. I really like writing more poetically about these things than pure technical writing with its rigidity of explanation and demonstration.
